Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Inter-Culture Studies/Final Reflection

1-My Dimensions: and how I will use them

As an individual I see that I am more of a direct communicator, rules oriented, universal in my relationship, and more focused on personal growth, if I am in work environment this how I will use these dimensions in my work space, for being direct I will always say my opinion openly even if it mint hurting others or going agents my superior if I was right but if had any doubt that am wrong I wouldn’t share my opinion, as for personal growth if I had a choice to get more equipment or make coerces to develop our personal I will be more wanting to choose personal development courses, if I am put in situation that I will have to make a decision I will base my decision more on rules and not on my relationship with my co-workers, in my relationship with my co-workers its more universal because to me having strong bonds with co-workers make better work environment.

2-My Employee: and how I will advise him

In every work place you find individuals who are different than the others, a good manager can find solutions to help that specific employee to adapt and have a better work environment with other co-workers, if someone is more on the conceal side and the other co-workers are on the revealing side I will advise to share with his co-workers so that they can trust him more and have better more direct communication and they can trust him even more, if I also have another employee who is more informal in his interaction with other employees and the other employees are on the formal side, I will advise him that he has to change his attitude to a more formal manner because if he didn’t he will lose all respect from his co-workers and also they might not take him seriously, so at the end it is always better to have an open mind when engaging with other people at work and to be more flexible so that you can get along with others.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Blog exercise #6

A. 'In the future how will, you use the 12 dimensions at your work place?'

 I will have a more open minded approach to each situation that I will face I will take in consideration all factors of both party's wither it was where they are from or what is there back round and I will take my time to carefully asses the situation and try to implement all dimensions that I had learned so that I could react in the proper way so that I can handle any situation that I encounter in day to day basses, also it will help understand more about how people think and react to each other and I can use it to my benefit.

B.'What did you learn about inter-cultural communication in this course?'

I learned that every individual has there own dimensions and there own behavior and also how can i identify these dimensions and how to response to them in a correct manor, I also learned that people get effected by there back round and culture and it has a big effect on there behavior  and they way the interact with each other, every person person can show more than one dimension in one situation and even opposite polarities to one dimension in the same situation, finally having the knowledge to understand other cultures and know how understand there behavior.